Back in January, Janie and Jack came out with a boy's clothing line called vintage seaplane. All of the pieces were adorable and in "honor" of our Alaskan cruise, I couldn't help but buy several jackets, a few shirts, and a pair of shorts from the line......unfortunately (haha!!), Janie and Jack also came out with a line in March called "out to sea" featuring a nautical/lobster theme. Also incredibly adorable and John Harrison again insisted on having quite a few pieces from this line so he would be properly attired for the cruise. If you look closely, you can see that John Harrison wore his Janie and Jack "vintage seaplane" line hooded jacket for the float/sea plane ride. I smiled because the plane we were in was yellow, also!

view from floatplane ride

John Harrison enjoying the ever-so soothing engine noise

My happy husband and sleepy son right before takeoff

one of many floatplanes in Ketchikan

frequent position of John Harrison's hands (tyring to take his hat off :)

The second port-of-call on our cruise was Ketchikan, Alaska. We wanted to do a float plane (seaplane) ride in Ketchikan, but decided to book the excursion on our own considering that booking through the cruiseline would mean that we had to pay for John Harrison as well as pay a much steeper price. David searched extensively onlilne and called numerous float plane operators in order to find us a reputable company that offered flights for the time, length, and price we wanted. Finding a company was actually quite challenging considering that only one of the operators utilized PPC advertising and none of the companies seemed to take advantage of SEO (having a husband who knows a lot about Internet marketing and business in general ensures that I understand how companies could greatly increase their conversions and business:). Anyways.......in Ketchikan we walked around the town for a while before our plane ride. We shared the float plane with the pilot and two other passengers. Each person had his own window seat. We enjoyed the flying through mountains, seeing frozen lakes, taking off and landing on water, and seeing other beautiful scenery. John Harrison slept through almost the entire ride:). David loved every minute and is talking about wanting to get his float plane rating. I enjoyed the sights, was glad the ride was only 30 minutes long, and was happy to be back on the ground with my stomach intact. (I am quite prone to motion sickness, but thankfully, didn't get too sick during the ride and felt better after we had been back on the ground about an hour or so and when I got some food on my stomach).
love janie and jack!