Monday, August 9, 2010

Memories from July

playing with okra from the garden

having fun with Aunt Caroline

relaxing with Uncle James

Picture with Grandpa

Fourth of July

wearing an outfit that was either David's or Jonathan's

John Harrison having fun riding his train

John Harrison loves sitting on chairs and couches

Sunday, August 8, 2010

17 months...

John Harrison turned 17 months old recently. He is such a sweet little boy and is starting to say more and more words (very spontaneously)--such as "home," "yeah," "buckle." John Harrison is very selective with his use of sign language, but recently, after months and months of me showing him the sign "please," he has sometimes started using the sign for please---so cute!! To John Harrison, every flying or jumping small animal (even a moth) is a bird and every big animal is either a dog ("ba") or a bear ("bear"). John Harrison has recently started to wrap his arms around the neck of the person holding him and pull himself in for a hug. He is very active and loves going over to grandparents' houses. He will get really upset if we pull into our parents' driveways and then back up to park since he thinks backing up means that we are leaving. I can't believe that John Harrison is almost halfway to 2! (I took these pictures on my Blackberry at a time of day when there was quite a glare from the sun, so the quality isn't the best, but I thought they were worth posting).

Monday, August 2, 2010

Staying cool

A few weeks ago, I let John Harrison splash around outside in the sprinkler---he had a blast! We have been staying inside a lot recently due to the intense heat. John Harrison looks outside so longingly. Maybe it will be cool enough one evening soon so John Harrison can play in the sprinkler again.

Belated Birthday

My birthday was earlier this month. On the day before my birthday, my parents came over for the afternoon and watched John Harrison so David and I could go out. We went to Wal-mart to run errands and then went to Barnes and Noble to look at books and magazines and drink coffee. We used to go the bookstore a lot together in the "pre-child" era of our relationship. We enjoyed our afternoon, even though we were only gone from the house for about 3 hours! David's parents watched John Harrison on the evening of my actual birthday and David and I went to Texas de Brazil for dinner. My moma took these pictures of John Harrison the afternoon she and Dad babysat John Harrison at our house--John Harrison is wearing an outfit that my Grandmother made for my brother when he was young:). As you can see in the pictures, John Harrison loves carrying vegetables from our garden around the yard.