Tuesday, March 24, 2009

First Few Weeks!

Tired Mom holding one week old John Harrison.
Ten days old . . . and wide awake (it must be nighttime!)

"Thanks for my adorable outfit, Aunt Lisa!"

First walk!
Second walk!
John Harrison and Aunt Lisa.

John Harrison and (great) Grammy.
Grammy came into town this past week to meet her first great grandson.

Mom, Dad, and two-week old John Harrison.

John Harrison dressed in support of the University of Memphis Tigers (thanks Aunt Lisa and Shannon for the cute outfit!).
We are doing well and enjoy seeing our precious baby boy grow, develop, and change every day. John Harrison is slowly transitioning to a more normal schedule and sleeping more at night.
Eighteen days old.


  1. that last picture is so precious!! treasure these days, they go by so fast!!!

  2. So excited for you guys!!! Wow! Congratulations. I love the name too - by the way! He's adorable:) Lisa sent me a link to your blog:) Good to see a bit from your world!

    Laura (Robertson) Dawkins
