John Harrison is one month, three days old (today) in the above photos. He is losing that "new baby" look and getting some cute cheeks. We love our precious baby boy more everyday!
We all wish you a very happy Easter. I am so thankful that Christ willingly went to the cross to atone for the sins of the world. Through the resurrection, Jesus showed that He was the Messiah, the risen Savior through whom all men could come to salvation and experience abundant live both on earth and in eternity. How blessed we are to live on this side of the cross! How blessed we are that our Savior did not merely suffer and die on the cross, but rose again. As Paul stated, if the resurrection of Christ is not true, then we are to be pitied above all men. Since the resurrection is true, we have hope, peace, and life that we can share with all mankind!
yay, new pictures!! he is starting to lose that newborn look. love those cheeks. Happy Easter!! we just studied you last statement from Corinthians last night at prayer group. i have been very challeged this week trying to teach luther about all of the events leading up the the resurrection.