Elise and Dad "talking"

Memorial Day weekend has been a lot of fun for us so far. Friday evening, we went to a friend's birthday party. David's parents kept John Harrison for the night---John Harrison loves spending the night with grandparents and he had a fun time!! Given that I didn't have 2 babies to care for when I woke up on Saturday morning, I decided to do something that I love, but rarely have (or make) time to do---sew. I made this blue seersucker dress for Elise in between singing to Elise, feeding her, and trying to get her to take a nap. I didn't have a pattern cut out so I decided to use a dress she already had and use it as a template. I had actually bought both yellow and blue seersucker fabric when John Harrison was Elise's age with the intention of sewing for him, but I only made one outfit and never attempted any more until yesterday. John Harrison had a long torso as a baby, so the one romper I made for him required a lot of challenging pattern modification---and it still didn't fit right---after that, I looked and looked for patterns with simple shortalls/rompers that I liked, but never found any. With a girl, there are plenty of cute patterns to choose from and lots of simple outfits to make. Elise is going to wear her new dress tomorrow and match brother who has some new blue seersucker pants...pictures to follow! We picked up John Harrison midday and headed to my parents' house where we spent the afternoon and evening visiting with my family and some out-of-town cousins as well as eating an early Memorial Day meal with my parents. Dad made a delicious smoked brisket---which will hopefully be a repeat several times this summer!!
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