For over a month now, John Harrison has been paying attention to the size of anything from peanuts to pickles to rocks in the yard....he assigns each item in a similar group the title of "dada," "moma," and "baby." The largest item is always the daddy, the medium sized item the mommy, and the smallest one the baby. If prompted, John Harrison will also point out which one is the John Harrison (a little bigger than the baby). David first noticed John Harrison making these distinctions one day at lunch when our little boy was eating pieces of pickle off his tray and emphatically saying "dada" and holding the biggest piece of pickle up for all to see.
John Harrison is also a very affectionate little guy and loves giving hugs and kisses. I think he may have been going through a growth spurt recently, because for a few days in a row, he woke up from a good night's sleep acting tired and asking for a morning nap. He is usually very compliant even with normal afternoon naps (and going down for the night) and usually sleeps anywhere from 2-3 hours (wonderful for me!!). This compliance didn't just took lots of work to get to this point!! John Harrison is mastering the skill of eating with a fork and spoon and eating from a bowl/plate.
Elise loves to smile and is a pretty happy baby. Her naps during the day are becoming longer and she will take several naps in the swing most days....a recent change considering for a while, she would only sleep while being held. For several weeks now, she has been starting to imitate things such as us sticking our tongue out. In just the last few days, she has started to imitate sounds. She is such a sweet baby and brings so much joy to our family. Elise went for her 2 month check-up last week and she is in the 70th percentile for height, weight, and head circumference (she weighs 10 lbs, 15 ozs).
Your compliance statement gave me a smile, because it makes me think of the Borg in Star Trek. Their famous sayings were "Resistance is futile" and "You will comply."