Before John Harrison was born (even after I found out I was having a boy), I told David that I thought baby girl clothes were so much cuter than baby boy clothes. I thought of baby boy clothes as being boring and unvaried. I have since changed my mind and actually think now that many baby boy clothes may even be cuter than baby girl clothes. It's just so cute to see John Harrison dressed like a little version of his dad:). If you have a little girl and try to dress her like her mom, it probably wouldn't turn out so well---but it's a different story with a little boy. I buy John Harrison some clothes that look like ones David would wear and some that are more "baby-like"--I am not too big of a fan of "cutsie" clothes or of "cheesy" clothes such as onesies that say "mommy's little alarm clock." I am, however, a huge fan of almost all things Gymboree. Some Gymboree clothes border on being cheesy or cutsie, but most are super cute. Cute, but unbelievably expensive! While I can't stomach (or afford) paying $29.75 (or whatever the going rate is) for a baby sweater from Gymboree, I will definitely buy the same sweater when it is marked down to $10 and I have a 20% off coupon. Anyways . . . a few weeks ago, I dressed John Harrison in a pair of denim overalls that had an electric guitar embroidered on the front pocket and a matching striped long sleeved dress shirt (both of which I had recently purchased on clearance from my above mentioned favorite baby clothing store). I thought my son looked so cute in his outfit. David came in the room, looked at our son, and told me that he thought John Harrison looked like a farmer. I pointed out the cute embroidered guitar and fashionable dark wash denim---both very non-farmerlike. I brought David up to speed on baby fashion, informing him that it was really common for people (farmers and non-farmers alike) to dress their babies in overalls. He still insisted that John Harrison looked like a farmer. Ok, maybe he looks like a farmer...but any way you cut it, he's the cutest farmer out there! For those of you who are wondering if this outfit was one that was meant to look like David---yes, David does wear long sleeved dress shirts, but he doesn't wear overalls...not even ones with guitars embroidered on them).
i love dressing my boys alike!! i actually scout out consignment sales looking for dress shirts that match ones that james already has!! it is so much fun. i recently scored a brand new pair of sperry's at a sale for $10. those are to match granddaddy and uncle patrick. i don't think james knows what sperry's are. i love dressing luther like a litle man :) oh, and i got pearl a black velvet gymboree dress at the same sale for $2!!!! now that was the deal of the day!!