John Harrison is almost SEVEN months old. His favorite toys include--the wipes box, rock-a-stacker rings (especially the one with the ball that rolls around inside!), his crab with claws that are teethers, and the Fisher Price "play station" (the device you attach to the crib that has gadgets to spin, push, etc.). John Harrison is a very active little boy and rarely stops moving. I will hold him standing up on my lap and he will frequently start bouncing up and down. We have had several major breakthroughs recently---first, this week, he started sleeping without his sleep sack on. As soon as he started rolling over from his back to his stomach, we stopped swaddling John Harrison and started putting him in a sleep sack for naps and nighttime sleep (I never could have imagined the importance of swaddling prior to having a baby!). He is now sleeping in footed sleepers without a sleep sack on---yeah!! Also, just today, I started putting John Harrison down for naps when he was getting cranky/sleepy and he went to sleep in the crib very quickly with no or little fussing. The third major breakthrough is that John Harrison is slowly transitioning to being able to stay awake for almost 3 hours between naps--today he only needed 2 naps instead of 3. Just recently, he had been only able to stay awake for two hours at a time without needing to take a nap. I am relishing in these little victories! Some of the changes have been a result of some rather extreme measures I have taken---John Harrison was doing some better when I was on a soy/dairy free diet, but he was still quite fussy and recently, his refulx has been getting worse and worse......much of the time, it is like having a colicky baby...but instead of the colic ending at the normal age of 3-4 months, it has continued to 6--almost 7-- months. Something had to give....plus, it is hard seeing my baby hurting! In addition to continuing the dariy, soy, and nut elimination, I also have cut out eggs, wheat, spices, all meat except poultry, all refined sweeteners, acidic/citrus foods, corn, and most anything else you can possibly think of. I eat squash, poultry, olive oil, salt, pepper, avacadoes, oats, rice (actual rice, rice pasta, rice flour, rice milk), no food additives, bland veggies such as lettuce, and bland fruits such as apples, pears, and grapes---and only drink water. How sad is it that I get excited about butternut squash?! After a few weeks, I will add back one possibly offending food item at a time and see how John Harrison responds. John Harrison has been doing MUCH better and hasn't been having the bad reflux and is fussing much, much less. I never imagined I would go to such extreme measures in order to have a happy baby:). I'll keep you posted....hopefully the happiness isn't temporary.
I'm glad John Harrison has been doing better. Hopefully you will be able to add items back into your diet. That picture of John Harrison in his daddy's lap watching football is adorable. :D
ReplyDeleteyou poor thing!! i hope the diet changes do continue to help. i mean, i totally understand. i would have eaten dirt everyday to keep luther from screaming when he was little. and isn't 2 naps nice!! you can really get out and do things now. just wait for one nap. i am still working on that with pearl. i can't wait to have both kids on the same nap schedule.