John Harrison has had a busy three day weekend! I don't know who is more exhauted---John Harrison or me :). John Harrison's Great Grammy came into town to visit this weekend so there was no lack of attention :). Tonight, we (David, myself, John Harrison, David's parents, brother, and Grammy, my parents, my Granamama, and my brother and his wife) had a big meal at David's parents' house.
John Harrison had his six month old birthday yesterday. I took these pictures over the past few weeks (lots of more pictures to come soon!!). John Harrison is sleeping really well at night and either sleeping 11-12 hours straight through the night or only waking up once to eat. I feel like I am slowly regaining my mind and not feeling chronically exhausted. Before I had a baby (especially one with sleep challenges!), I kind of blew it off when people would talk about how your memory totally fades once you have a child. Now, I understand....lack of sleep equates to my brain not getting restorative sleep, which leads to poor memory and diminished mental processes all together! I have had all too many times when I will just completely blank out and forget simple tasks or things that would be otherwise easy to remember---for instance, just a few weeks ago, I made my favorite blueberry muffin recipe. I put the muffins into the oven and then it hit me---I forgot to add the baking powder. By that point, it was too late and the muffins turned out as dense, gummy blobs. I was so disappointed....I had made that exact recipe SO many times. Although it may sounds like an easy mistake to make, or one that is coincidental and could happen to anyone, know that that example is just one of many times over the past six months that I felt like I am losing my mind. Another example---David really made an impression on me when we were dating about the importance of remembering people's names and things about other people. I really try hard to remember people's names---since having a baby and experiencing chronic sleep deprivation, when I meet people, I had better write down their name in order to remember and learn it. I have had several times over tha past few months that I will meet someone and pay close attention to their name and even say their name when I introduce myself to reinforce their name in my mind, "Hi, Jane...I'm Catherine" ---- only to find seconds later that I am unable to recall the name. So far, I haven't forgotten my husband's, son's, or dog's name :). Well, I'd better go get some sleep so that doesn't happen. Happy Labor Day!
i totally forgot the baking powder twice in my biscuits, oil in my pancakes, salt in my bread and sugar in my muffins. i now get recipes out and look at them even if it is something i make all of the time and make myself check everything. baby brain is no joke.