John Harrison is creeping/crawling. He mainly crawls when he has strong motivation to do so....such as when a laptop is on the floor. I think he is intrigued by computers because he sees David and me on our laptops so much working on our businesses. There must be something special about those dark electronic contraptions. John Harrison will crawl over to the computer and start "typing" on the keyboard (he has figured out that hitting the keys makes noise). He gets very upset when I move the computer or take it away from him. Proof that we are born with a heart and mind set on "me me me--all that matters is what I want" (i.e. a sinful nature deeply imbedded in our core). On a happier note, John Harrison continues to sleep well at night....if he misses a nap during the day, has a long day, or goes to bed late, he often sleeps 11-12 hours straight. Most nights, he gets up once between 2 and 5 am to eat and then sleeps till 7:15 or 7:45 am. I have found that I can deal with a lot (frequent fussiness) during the day when John Harrison is sleeping well at night:).
That kid is gonna hack the Pentagon!