We've been staying quite busy recenlty! Last weekend, one of my good friends, Rachel, got married and I was the matron of honor (wedding pictures to come soon!!). Having a young baby and managing 3 days of what seemed like non-stop wedding festivities about wore me out! Next weekend, another dear friend, Rebekah, is getting married and I am a bridesmaid. We will travel to CT for that wedding. Then, my sister gets married out of town in November. I am glad to have a break from weddings for a few months :). This weekend, though, my sister is coming into town and my sister-in-law and I are hosting a bridal shower for her. I am making a cake for the shower that will be a simple mini wedding cake type cake. I also made a cake (in the shape of a bustier!!) for Rachel's bachelorette party. Next post, I will include pics of the cakes I made as well as the pics of the inspiration cakes I found online and attempted to duplicate.
Tonight, there were tornado warnings in the area so John Harrison, Raleigh, and I spent over an hour together in our closet under the stairs. At one point, Raleigh pulled her little blanket over right near where I was sitting with John Harrison and curled up. I laughed because Raleigh was not very happy when John Harrison started kicking her (it was wholly unintentional on his part---his little legs are just almost constantly in motion :). I think that of all of us, Raleigh may have been the happiest to leave the closet after the warnings were over. I was quite relieved, too, after having entertained John Harrison constantly so that avert any crying (which wouldn't have been pleasant in a small space).
John Harrison went to the doctor for his four month check-up recently (it was actually at about 4 1/2 months that we went); he weighed 16 lbs, 10 oz and was 26 1/2 inches long....quite a growing boy! Announcement, Announcement (trumpet fanfare, drumroll, ....): John Harrison has officially packed up his bags, moved out of our room, and into his nursery!! John Harrison's sleep habits were getting worse and worse and so something had to change. Plus, we did not want him sleeping in our room forever so we took the plunge and are putting him through sleep bootcamp:). My friend Carlyn recommended the book Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child by Dr. Marc Weissbluth (a classic baby sleep book). We are following the "extinction system"---I won't go into the gorey details -- you can read the book if you are that curious :). Tonight is night four. The last three nights and four days have been challenging, but we are making excellent progress and both John Harrison and I are already sleeping much better. We are down to two nighttime feedings and John Harrison is sleeping in his crib in his nursery . . . YEAH!! I hope to be down to one nighttime feeding in the next month, but I wanted to give him two nighttime feedings and then will try to step it down to one once his sleep in his own room is really well established. Well, good night! I am looking forward to some of the best sleep I've had in months!!