David and Catherine . . . about 12 hours before heading to the hospital to have our son!

We took this picture of ourselves at 5 am on March 6, 2009, just before heading to the hospital. This is our last picture together as a family of two (well...two you can see!).

Getting out of the car about to go in the hospital....lots of excitement and nervousness...

Around 7 am on the day of delivery shortly after admission to the hospital.

Happy to finally be at 10 cm! Last picture before John Harrison was born.

Our precious baby boy.

John Harrison wrapped in a blanket that his Aunt Margaret crocheted for him.

Happy Dad holding his one day old precious son!

Dressed and ready to go home. We thought that wearing a dog outfit would cause our dog, Raleigh, to instantly fall in love with John Harrison....no such luck....she still seems quite hesitant of him and his crying seems to alarm her as much as it does us.

Going home from the hospital.

Dad bringing John Harrison into our house for the first time.

First pediatrician visit. David and I are very thankful for a healthy baby.

Five days old -- First visit to Grandmama and Grandad's house.

Family photo. Mom and Dad are quite tired. Before having a baby, we never could have imagined that three hours of sleep (broken up, of course) would be a good night's rest.
John Harrison was born at 3:58 pm on March 6, 2009 and weighed 7 lbs 9 oz. and was 20 3/4 inches long. Mom and Dad are both very happy to have a healthy baby boy and enjoyed the support of family and friends around the time of his birth. We truly believe that this child is a gift from God and ask that you pray for us as we go through the first few weeks adjusting to life with a newborn.