David and I flew to Dallas in the middle of January for a week long trip to visit family and friends. We spent time with some of our dear friends, David and Kourtney, for a few days and then drove a few hours north to Oklahoma to visit some of David's extended family members for the remainder of the time. The picture at the top shows David holding David and Kourtney's youngest child. David and David went to flight school together, both David and Kourtney were in our wedding, and David and David now both fly for the same company.
As shown in the picture directly above, one of the days while we were in Dallas, David, David, and I went to an indoor shooting range. I can definitively say that I was the only pregnant woman at the range!

David loved playing with his Grammy's German Shepherd puppies. We hope to get a German Shepherd of our own sometime in the next year . . . we just have to get our backyard fenced in first.

David's Uncle Dan (in the picture with David above) took us for rides in his Ford GT while we were in Oklahoma. The car pretty much speaks for itself.....

(Grammy, David, and Catherine). Our last trip to visit David's extended family in Oklahoma was five years ago and we really enjoyed being able to go back and spend time with everyone. Hopefully, much less time will pass before our next trip!
The picture of you shooting looks like a ray gun - that makes it that much cooler.