Friday, October 5, 2012

Thus says a three year old

I have been trying to write down funny things John Harrison says---- 

8-19-12 "Don't be loud, be quiet, Elise. I need to sleep in my egg shell." (a few minutes later) "I got out of my egg shell. Mommy, I want you to be a Mommy egg shell. Daddy, I want you to be a Daddy egg shell. I want you to be an egg shell with me. I want you to pop me back in my egg shell." 

8-26-12 "skip my nap, mow the yard, skip night's sleep, sing all night long." 

8-15-12 "Grammy and Papa have three cars. We need three cars." 

10-3-12 Context: we were on a walk and passed a woman about my age who was also walking. I explained to John Harrison that grown up girls are called women (he has a tendency to call young women "girls") and grown up boys are men. John Harrison then asked, ''What do you call a grown up robot?'' I said we call them ''Mr. or Mrs. Robot." 

10-4-12 "I need my own iPad. I need my own Kindle so I can go somewhere fun." 

10-5-12 "Mommy, does Elise want to be a candle when she grows up?"

1 comment:

  1. He's so cute! Some of the things he says remind me of David at that age.
