Sunday, February 19, 2012

Reflections and Anticipations

I thoroughly enjoyed this weekend! Other than replying to a few e-mails, David took off the whole weekend:). Saturday morning we went to one of John Harrison's friends' birthdays (the parents are friends of ours and in our small group). The party was at the children's museum and John Harrison couldn't have had more fun eating cake and ice cream, running around the party room with other kids his age, and playing in the museum. John Harrison loved the mini grocery store and would have emptied the entire store into his cart if we had allowed him to do so. After the party, we spent the afternoon at my parents's house and the evening at David's parents's house. I went to get the kids when we were ready to go and it was such a cute moment to see both of them lying on their stomachs on Aunt Lisa's bed watching Toy Story 3. Needless to say, they didn't want to say bye to the tv or to their Aunt. This morning we went to church--our teaching elder is going through the book of Matthew over several years and today's sermon was on the last few verses of the Lord's Prayer. I may do a whole post summarizing the message and how it challenged and convicted me, but as I am blogging from my iPhone, I will wait till I am on my laptop to elaborate...
This afternoon after the kids went down for naps I cleaned while David read a (business) book. David's grandmother and cousin are in town this week and they came over this evening to spend time with our family. John Harrison and David's cousin have the same birthday (month and day, not year:) and so John Harrison calls her his "birthday buddy." Speaking of birthdays, John Harrison's (and "birthday buddy's") birthday is in just a few weeks and Elise's shortly thereafter. I can't believe that David and I are about to be parents to a three year old! I am not trying to rush February, but am anticipating that March will be an exciting month. March will bring our two kids' birthdays, David's birthday, our biometric fingerprinting appt for the adoption, my nephew-to-be's first birthday (and hopefully the adoption court date for my sister and brother-in-law and their baby), possibly our adoption referral, and the hope of warmer weather.
Sorry there aren't better pics of John Harrison--he is at an age where it is really hard to get him to look at the camera!! (Elise on the other hand loves to look and smile beautifully for the camera)---I didn't want to leave our little boy out of the pictures for this post, though, so I included some of the better ones I managed to get.

1 comment:

  1. Aw, it was a cute moment for me too to have both of them there! Love spending time with them.
