Elise turned four months old last weekend! She continues to be sweet baby and loves to smile and laugh. Elise started rolling from her back to her stomach about 3 1/2 weeks ago and just a few days ago she started pushing up on her arms. It won't be too much longer that I can contain her to a blanket on the floor:). Elise loves to put anything into her mouth---the blanket in front of her, soft toys, her own hands, my hair, etc., so I try to make sure I wash her hands really well after we go anywhere. John Harrison has recently started to interact more with Elise; it is so sweet to watch him hand her toys or kneel down beside her and say, "hi"---he loves his sister so much. Last weekend we went to Nashville to spend time with some friends from our old church as well as some friends who were home from the mission field for a few months. After a busy Friday and Saturday, we decided to spend Saturday evening as a family. We went to the Green Hills mall to eat and walk around. A funny thing happened while I was waiting at the mall entrance for David to park the car. I was standing with Elise and some women who were sitting on a bench started talking to me about my baby. One of the women reached out her arms and held them there for a while and kept saying, "let me hold her"--I didn't want to be flat out rude and say "no, you can't hold her!!"--but was NOT about to put my baby in the arms of a stranger. The woman finally got the hint that I was not going to let her hold Elise and put her arms down (probably slightly embarrassed)---then the women offered to make room for me on the bench. I politely declined and after they continued to insist that I sit down, I told them I was waiting for my husband and I quickly headed outside. There is something about pregnancy and babies that makes people forget social norms.