34 1/2 weeks pregnant

Beautiful Cancun water

view from the resort

Cancun beach

Last week, David's parents watched John Harrison while David and I took a trip to Cancun. We had such a fun time and liked Cancun more than we had even imagined. The tourist area/hotel zone was really clean and safe and the locals seemed genuinely friendly. Several years ago, we had taken a cruise that stopped in Cozumel, but we had never vacationed in the Cancun/Cozumel area. Hopefully we will be back sometime in the next few years!! The water was absolutely beautiful, the sand powdery white (supposedly, the sand, which doesn't get hot, is made from crushed coral), and the weather was in the 70s and low 80s during the day. We stayed at the Marriott Casa Magna and loved the resort. David and I stayed for 4 nights/5 days and spent most of the time relaxing on the beach. We also got in the pool a few times, walked some along the beach, and of course, ate good food:). I always envisioned Cancun to be an endless party scene and I'm sure you'd have that type of atmosphere at some resorts, but the resort we stayed at was very family-friendly and classy (no night clubs, people weren't drinking excessively, etc.). I guess my traveling days are over for the next 4 weeks at least considering that I will be 36 weeks along on Friday. I went to the doctor today and all seems to be going well--I'm starting to dilate a little bit and Elise is head down :). I still have a long to-do list, but we will welcome our sweet little girl any time now. Even though I feel our baby move almost all the time now, it still seems surreal that we are about to have a second child. I am scared at the responsibility of caring for a newborn and a 2-year old, but also excited about having a little girl and about John Harrison becoming a big brother. John Harrison still frequently gives my belly hugs and kisses or lays his head on the "baby." We pray with him every night before he goes to sleep and always pray that the Lord prepares his heart to be a good big brother to Elise!
glad you got a little vacation in. nice to know there is a family friendly place in cancun. i will have to keep that in mind!!