1. Baby Elise is due in a little over 6 weeks now.....everything seems to be going well at my doctor's visits. I am going to the doctor every 2 weeks and will soon move to going every week. The waits are always long (yesterday I waited over 2 hours to be seen!), so I always try to take something to do so my time waiting is productive. I used to take my computer and get work done, but as of 12/31/2010, all of my work obligations related to the sale of our business in December 2009 are completed. YEAH! Yesterday I took notecards and wrote long overdue Christmas thank-yous while I waited...I finished almost half of the notes I needed to write.
Heartburn has been attacking with a vengance the past few weeks (much better than last pregnancy, though, when I popped Tums like they were candy from 14 weeks on!), I frequently feel and see little feet move across my belly, and I am having quite a few Braxton-Hicks contractions. Overall, I am feeling good and can't believe how quickly the weeks until March 25th are passing by.
2. We are recovering from a nasty bug. David got sick Sunday a week ago and John Harrison and I both got sick last Tuesday. David and John Harrison both ran fevers close to 103 for several days, and we all felt pretty awful until just a few days ago. Our energy and appetites aren't completely back and we all still have bad coughs, but are on the mend. It wasn't easy being sick and caring for a sick toddler (who becomes much like a baby!) at the same time. John Harrison was really sweet the days he was the sickest and let us hold him a lot. Then, when he felt a tiny bit better, he wanted to play....while all we felt like doing was crashing (which is not possible with as much as we had going on at the time and a child to keep up with).
3. John Harrison's 2nd birthday is in less than a month now. Our little boy is growing up so quickly and it is so fun to see his development. He was almost 100% potty trained before he got sick, but then went back to mainly diapers and pull-ups while he was sick, so we have been working on re-training....today has given me hope that we will be back on track in just a few days. John Harrison loves animals (especially horses), trucks (the bigger the better), and is saying new words frequently (such as "morning"). I am thinking about a truck-themed 2nd birthday party.
Recent pictures of John Harrison to come soon!!