Other things going on with us recently.....John Harrison is well on the way to being potty trained! We are about 8 days into potty training and today, John Harrison only had one accident. The first few days were very challenging and left me wondering if potty training was possible with our 22 month old toddler! At first, I was letting John Harrison run around in underwear, socks, and a shirt, put him on the potty at frequent intervals, and taught him a symbol that indicated he needed to go potty. After cleaning up numerous urine puddles....many of which came as quickly as 7 minutes apart, I was really frustrated. My mother-in-law suggested that I look into cotton training pants----David went out and bought some and they definitely helped control the puddle size when John Harrison had an accident (I was trying to avoid pull-ups or diapers as I thought that John Harrison wouldn't have motivation to learn to go in the potty with these on). We did buy some pull-ups today to put on John Harrison when we are out running errands, but keep him in the cotton training pants (and hopefully regular underwear soon) while we are at home. My primary motivation in potty training John Harrison has been the fact that our baby girl is due in less than 10 weeks! I think I could have easily put potty training indefinitely unless such a strong motivation had existed.
With the pregnancy, I am up to doctor's visits every 2 weeks now. I am feeling pretty good and my belly seems to be growing rapidly. I am still buttoning two pair of my regular jeans and wearing many of my normal tops, sweaters, athletic pants, and leggings. Thankfully, many clothing styles this season include long shirts and sweaters:)...(I really don't like maternity clothes very much). Elise is very active and we can't wait to meet our precious little girl in a little over 2 months!
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