Dad "getting" John Harrison in the morning--John Harrison often walks around and says "dada getcha" wanting David to play with him and "get him"

John Harrison used the steering wheel toy from Uncle Jon as a stepping stool to try and climb up onto the couch.

Easter 2010

Always in motion.....

What a figure!!

Kissing my own shadow

Enjoying a stroll around the neighborhood

Touching and looking outside the windows---one of John Harrison's favorite pasttimes

Playing with a wooden tractor that was Mom's when she was a little girl

Don't let that cute smile deceive you.....he wasn't the least bit interested in eating his oatmeal

David holding our sweet, sleeping John Harrison

Our angel must have taken his halo off.....JUST KIDDING....he is playing with the ring that goes around the top of a baby dinner plate.

Why play with toys when you can play with a lid???

"Little Peanut" outfit :)

enjoying the bright sunny day

With his tongue stuck out, John Harrison must be thinking about something important...

"Don't I look cute in my googly eye lobster shirt??"

Jonathan, Catherine, and David last weekend before a friend's wedding

Great Grammy taking John Harrison for a stroll
Oh, goodness! What adorable pictures!! I esp. loved the one of him kissing his reflection and of him and David playing! And when I was "getting him" yesterday, he giggled and said, "dada getcha!" It was adorable!