Today was a reminder that springtime is not too far away. The temperature got up to around 60 today and so I decided to take John Harrison outside to play while I took a break from working. John Harrison isn't used to meeting any resistance when he walks so I think he was a bit intrigued when he tried to walk through the thick bermuda grass. He tried to eat grass, leaves, the gutter, gravel, and even the patio furniture:). I am really looking forward to warmer weather so we can go to the park and zoo and spend more time outside.
Our sweet boy will be ONE in two weeks. Today there were some more reminders that he is growing up. For instance, instead of trying to eat the book, he paid attention while I was reading a book to him. He also felt the animals' "fur" in the farm animals book were reading.
My dad and David's mom have each continued to babysit John Harrison several days each week while David and I work. I am so excited about being able to spend more time with John Harrison in the near future. John Harrison is at such a fun age and I hate to miss a moment.
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