This week has been a fairly challenging one. David has been out of town and John Harrison has been showing signs of having reflux. I think he has had it for a while now, but it seemed especially bad this week to the point that the pain was really interfering with his eating and sleeping. I took him to the doctor yesterday and now John Harrison is on a preventitive medication; the medicine has already seemed to be helping some and hopefully, things will continue to improve. My parents have been over several times this week to help out and my mother-in-law has kept John Harrison several times for me. I have been thinking a lot lately about how having a child has taught me a lot about humility and how I am quite dependent on others to help me along in this new adventure of caring for a baby. I never could have imagined before we had a baby how one tiny little creature can require so, so much care. I think it is one of those things that you hear people say and you know in your head, but can't fully understand it until you experience it. Thankfully, I have an amazingly helpful, supportive, patient, and loving husband. David and I have wonderful, supportive families who are eager to help out and often volunteer before we even ask. When John Harrison looks up at me with a huge smile on his cute little face, it melts my heart and makes me realize even more that I can't imagine life without him! Happy Mother's Day to all the other moms out there. Being pregnant for nine months and now having a child of our own, I definitely have a new appreciation for my moma.
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