Right after getting over being sick, John Harrison started teething. Last Monday, he cut his front bottom left tooth and then lo and behold, cut the front bottom right tooth a day later. Needless to say, this past week was a bit rough in the midst of the active teething but nothing compared to the two weeks prior. He is much happier now that both teeth have fully cut through the gums. His new little teeth are so cute.....sharp, but cute:). I was pretty concerned about starting sleep training all over since his good sleep habits had completely gone out the window while he was feeling so bad. David and I agreed that we needed to respond quickly to his cries at night the last few weeks since he was so sick. I don't think I would have slept well had I been as sick as he was! He has done fairly well adjusting back to sleeping in his crib and only feeding a few times each night. In fact, last night he slept from 8:30 pm to 2:30 am without a peep! That may be his best stretch of nighttime sleep ever. I am really hoping that the long stretch of sleep will continue and he will adjust to one nighttime feeding soon. My mom took these pictures of John Harrison this weekend. What a cute boy!!!! Ok, I am a bit biased, but still, who can resist that adorable smile?!